Covid ICU

Title Cover by Sebastian Sauer

Analysis related to Covid 19 severity in patients at an ICU

This repo describes the analyses of correlates of Covid 19 severity in patients at a large intensiv cure unit (ICU) in a German hospital in 2022.

More specifically, the main research question is which predictors allow to classify the severity of a Covid 19 infection in the inpatients (ie., observations of the present sample).

The analyses was performed in R, primarily relying on tidyverse and tidymodels. Check out the Rmd files for a reproducible account of your analyses. The analyses source file are numbered as to their order in the main analyses (ie., start file 01, then comes 02, …).

Sebastian Sauer
Sebastian Sauer
Professor for Computational Cognitive Sciences

My research interests include applying statistics and machine learning to psychological phenomena such as mindfulness and learning behavior.